Monday 28 September 2009

Enjoying My 4 Day Weekend

I must say I do quite enjoy having a 4 day weekend. I'm actually have more time off than I do at college and that's great. Not having to go in 4 days a week and instead only 3 saves me 2 hours of travelling on the bus which is great.

College life is getting back to swing and it's just how it's supposed to be, alright and fun. Been messing around quite a bit in Gordon's lessons looking at funny pictures but ultimately it's no big deal because I know with Gordon he doesn't ask for much in his assignments meaning 100% attention in his lessons really isn't needed.

I'm a bit peckish now and fancy making myself some lunch but he said he may bring me food back which will be much more yummy than what I make myself here. Must persevere and wait!

Thursday 17 September 2009

Back to College for Year 2

Yesterday my alarm woke me up at 6:45 for the first time in about 100 days. It was the first day of the 2nd and final year at Bedford college and I was able to get up, eat breakfast and be ready and out of the house in time to get the 7:30 bus.

The day progressed quite slowly and was quite a bore thanks to my new teacher Phillipe. It shall take some time to adjust to her I'm sure (especially considering I have her for 4 and a 1/2 hours on Wednesday for 3 different units!) but it should't be too bad as she seems a nice lady.

Key Skills has gotten off to a flying start for me thanks to the great topics we're doing this year. I didn't like doing a sports day for a primary school last year and I hated having to find holiday prices. This year thankfully I am able to write article/letter and do a presentation on why Tony Hawk is an inspiration to me as well as doing Maths Level 2 on finding whether the Xbox 360 or PS3 is the most cost-effective games console. I'm currently getting myself ahead in this lesson with my friend Alex in a bid to be finished in just a few weeks, an immense achievement if we manage it.

I was very tired on the way home on the bus yesterday and had a half nap when I got in. Thankfully today I have coped better, 3 days in a row of getting up at 6:45am is going to take some getting used to!

Monday 7 September 2009

Went to the Doctor's

Went to the doctor's in Little Paxton today to get my ankle checked out. There was no new news for me to hear, wasn't very helpful either really. I'm hoping to see a physio tomorrow who will give me exercises to do and give me a recommendation as to when I should go back in to skateboarding.

As for now my plan is to not skate until October and just pray it will fully heal.

Friday 28 August 2009

Back From Holiday - With Illness

Been back in England a few days now and it sure is nice to be back to weather that isn't bloody hot everyday. The coach drive back was even worse than the journey to the destination due to the fact (put that in there cos of Taylor :P) everybody had gotten ill. I don't believe we have swine flu but considering it's been nearly a week and yet not everyone is feeling 100% back to normal (me included although the others are worse) it could be something worse than just the usual cold.

Can't be bothered to blab about the holiday, the hotel was pretty crap but they had alright food. The entertainment there was lame but they had some good activities such as rifle shooting and archery as well as an okay pool. The area in Spain was decent enough with enough entertainment to occupy us throughout the 2 weeks we were there (crazy golf, bowling, trampolining) and going to Barcelona to see statue people (whatever they are meant to be cool) was a fun experience. Still, glad to be back.

Sunday 9 August 2009

Holiday Tomorrow

After waiting for 10 months or so the holiday to Spain with my family and Taylor is starting tomorrow. With a 20 to 30 hour coach trip journey to get there I'm sure tomorrow is going to be a very dull day. Not sure what I'm going to do on the coach but I plan on sorting out my iTunes and iPod today so that I have that to listen to. My trusty camcorder will also be coming with me on my hand luggage so I can document our trip, just need to clear up some space on the hard drive (maybe) and upload recent skate clips and charge the battery, then I'm all set.

Going to have Taylor come round tonight and help make sure everything is fully ready for our 9AM start tomorrow. I think she's going to burst with excitement when she wakes up tomorrow morning lol.

Saturday 18 July 2009

Big Storm + Babysitting

Taylor suspected a storm was coming after we were both getting hot and stuff Thursday night, it's a sign that bad weather is approaching. Sure enough she was right, the next day (yesterday) it thundered and rained a lot so I was unable to do any skateboarding.

After spending a day inside looking after Taylor (because she's a bum hole and gets scared) and watching The Heartbreak Kid we ended up going round her auntie's house to babysit Taylor's cousins. They're great kids and fun to be around, a privilege I do for free (even though Tay Tay get's £20 out of it :O).

She's at work now and I'm here bored blogging. Hmmmmm I hope the weather gets better so i can go skate!

Monday 29 June 2009

I'm Hating This Weather

I had 3 bloody showers yesterday, all because the sun wants to make it too god damn hot! It's horrible, puts me in a depressing mood and makes me run out of clean underwear to wear. I'm so grateful that the sun is bloody hot yet again, I'm going to love melting when I dare step outside later to the postbox!

Just going to have to retreat in my bedroom and hope it cools down for the rest of the year. I miss winter!